AHS Orchestra update – UIL SPECIAL EDITION

UIL Concert & Sightreading Evaluation is NEXT WEEK!!!  All students should be practicing this weekend with the constant goal to make one thing better.  A few additional details:

  • Call times, performance times, and student instructions are all on the handout given to students in class (also available on Charms).
  • Students should bring their formal performance uniforms and instruments before school the day of their group’s UIL performance.
  • Parents are welcome to attend UIL performances!  Having an audience is wonderful for the kids.  Please allow yourself enough time to check in at I.M. Terrell.
  • Students who are not able to participate due to eligibility, etc, are being told in class.
  • We MUST have medical and travel forms on file for any student to participate in UIL.  This afternoon, we have contacted everyone missing forms for whom we have good contact info.  If you think you are missing one of these forms, check Charms, or you are welcome to bring us a completed form Monday.  Forms are available on Charms.
PRACTICE this weekend to help your group give its best performance next week!!!