AHS Orchestra update – 04.10.18


1. COLONIAL VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:  how can you help the AHS Orchestra???  Sign up to help at Colonial!!!  Last year, we raised $30K selling concessions, all of which goes to provide an awesome experience for the AHS Orchestra students!  BUT WE NEED YOU!!! It takes an army of volunteers to make this happen.
The Colonial golf tournament runs from May 21 (Monday) through May 27 (Sunday).  While we need help every day, we need increasing amounts of people starting Wednesday (May 23), and ESPECIALLY Saturday & Sunday.  STUDENTS ARE WELCOME TO HELP SATURDAY & SUNDAY!!!
HOW DO YOU SIGN UP???  Go to https://goo.gl/2dLzwt to sign up, or email ftorres@aisd.net with the day you would like to work, and we can add you.  SIGN UP SOON TO GET THE BEST SLOTS!!!
2. PASSOFF DEADLINE:  a reminder that the deadline for PO 5.1 (your ensemble passoff) is THIS FRIDAY at 2:50p.  Any ensemble needing to play outside of class time should arrange for plus passes, or may play after school at Thursday’s practice club.
3. SOLO & ENSEMBLE:  a reminder that Solo & Ensemble is THIS Saturday.  ALL eligible students are required to perform with their ensembles, and received performance times and information in class.  Please read the information handed out in class carefully, and arrive 20-30 minutes prior to your performance time.  WANT SERVICE HOURS???  Students can sign up to help in the Orchestra Hall.
4. SPRING TRIP ELIGIBILITY:  eligibility for the New Orleans trip is based on the current six weeks, which ends FRIDAY!!!  At this point, no refund is possible, so make sure you are passing all of your classes by the end of the day Friday!!!
Please let us know if you have any questions, and thank you for your continued support of the AHS Orchestra!!!