AHS Orchestra update – 11.29.17


1. ARLIE’S ANGELS:  it’s time for Arlie’s Angels!  The AHS Orchestra is adopting two children in need.  We are collecting donations this week that will be used to buy gifts for a bright holiday!  Any monetary donations are welcome and appreciated.  Students will be able to give donations to the directors in class Thursday and Friday.
2. CLUSTER CONCERT:  the Cluster Concert is Saturday!!!  All orchestra students are invited, and members of Symphony and Philharmonic are required to attend.  Students required to attend must report at 10 am in jeans and this year’s orchestra shirt, and will be done by 5 pm.  Pizza will be provided to those required to attend.
3. WINTER CONCERTS:  our Winter Concerts are next week!  All students are required to attend the concert for their group(s).  Students must wear the formal performance uniform.  PLEASE TRY ON YOUR UNIFORM THIS WEEKEND TO MAKE SURE IT STILL FITS!!!  Any problems should be brought to a director on Monday.  We will not be able to solve uniform issues the day of the concert.  Please see below for specific details for each concert.
Tuesday, December 5 @ 7:00 pm – Philharmonic, Sinfonia, Philharmonia, and Concert.  Philharmonia and Concert call is 6:00 pm.  Philharmonic and Sinfonia call is 6:30 pm.
Wednesday, December 6 @ 7:00 pm – Symphony, Chamber, and United Sound.  Symphony strings have a rehearsal with United Sound from 3-3:45 pm.  Symphony (all) call is 6:00 pm.  Chamber and United Sound call is 6:30 pm.
4. TRIP PAYMENT DUE:  the next New Orleans trip payment is due Thursday, December 7.  Please contact Mr. Goins to discuss any payment arrangements that may be needed.
Please let us know if you have any questions, and thank you for your continued support of the AHS Orchestra!!!