1. SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES: we have two service opportunities coming up in addition to Colonial. On Saturday, May 20, we are hosting the Bailey Orchestra Spring Banquet in the AHS cafeteria. If you can help move tables and chairs, please be in the cafeteria by 4:30p Saturday. On Tuesday, May 23, we are hosting our JH feeder concerts at AHS. If you can help clear the stage after the concerts, please meet in the auditorium at 8:30p. Thank you in advance!
2. COLONIAL ITEM PICKUP: thank you to everyone who helped us fill volunteer slots for Colonial this week! IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO SIGN UP if you or someone you know can work, especially Wednesday, Thursday, or FRIDAY. While we have enough to make things work, we could certainly use more!!!
For those who have volunteered, please come to the Orchestra Hall Monday, May 22, between 6:30-7:30p, to pick up your passes, fill out your volunteer form, and get a shirt if you don’t have one. If you would like to pick up items for someone, that is fine, though they will need to fill out and bring their volunteer form with them for their shift.
3. NOT CLEAR LIST: uniforms and any balances due were due by today. Students who have not returned uniforms, or who owe any money, have been placed on the AHS Not-Clear List, and will be cleared once they have taken care of these items. You can check Charms to see if you owe any money or uniforms.
All school instruments must be returned during the week of May 22. Students must return their school instruments next week to avoid being added to the Not-Clear List. Arrangements will be made for students playing at graduation who still need their instruments.
Please let us know if you have any questions, and thank you for your support of the AHS Orchestra!!!