1. TRIP MEETING REMINDER: Spring Trip participants, remember that our trip meeting is March 19 at 7p. This is the Tuesday after Spring Break, and the meeting is REQUIRED of any student going on the trip WITH a parent/guardian. We will go over specific details for the trip, the current version of the itinerary, and forms that need to be turned in. Students who have been invited to participate in the performance only do not need to attend this meeting.
2. TRIP REHEARSAL: ALL students participating in the trip performance at the Capitol on March 29 will have a rehearsal on Monday, March 25, from 4-6p. This rehearsal is REQUIRED to participate in the performance.
3. COLONIAL: mark your calendars!!! Colonial (the Charles Schwab Challenge) is coming up May 20-26, and we will need an ARMY of volunteers to have a successful year! After spring break, we will send out information about how to start signing up, SO START TALKING TO ANYONE AND EVERYONE YOU KNOW NOW!!! We will especially need adults who can work during the week, when students are not available. MORE TO COME…
We hope everyone has a wonderful, restful spring break. Please let us know if you have any questions, and thank you for your continued support of the AHS Orchestra!!!